Sanctioned AAC competition!
Judges : To Be Announced
The agility rings are secured with a 3 foot high fence and gates.
Saturday Run Order

Sunday Run Order

All classes Regular, Special, Veteran & Junior Handler are offered
***There will be no conflict with the Master/Steeplechase runs***
The Master level and Steeplechase will be divided in Two groups like at Nationals. If a person has more than one dog in master, they will be in the same group whatever their height and class.
Example: Group A will start walking and running Master Gambler in Ring#1 while Group B will start running Master Standard in Ring #2.
When both groups are done, We switch! So Group A will go in Ring #2 to walk and run the Standard while Group B will walk and run the gambler in Ring #1.
Limited entries
Closing date: To Be Announced
20$ / per run (taxes incl.)
15$ / per run FEO or Junior Handler (taxes incl.)